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About “Matts Fjellberg”

Product Marketing Manager

Media World is a leading conversational AI company specializing in building virtual agents that automate customer service and internal support channels, enhance human efficiency, and drive revenue through engaging conversations.

Headquartered in Stavanger, Norway and Los Angeles, USA, our accomplishments to date include recognition by Gartner as the youngest vendor in the conversational AI space, established partnerships with leading professional services firms across the globe and deploying more than 200 virtual agents that have successfully automated over 20 million conversations with customers, users and employees in Europe and North America.


Posted projects

  • Project costCost kr1,000.00 - kr3,000.00

ARBEIDSOPPGAVER I en rolle som IT-konsulent/support vil du arbeide hjemmefra, vil være å yte teknisk service til kunder og arbeide med IT administrative oppgaver. Typiske…

  • Project LevelAvansert
  • Job Duration01 til 03 måneder
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • Project typeProject type: Fixed Price
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